We Effect

Healthy and sustainable agriculture resilient to climate changes

– Start date: 01/04/2023
– End date: 31/12/2025

Overall Objective: Improved living conditions of the producers and people in rural areas

Result Area 1: Strengthening of Civil Society Organisations / Stronger Organisations
Strengthened capacities of Adad Malore
– Capacity of civil society organizations is improved for better civil dialogue
-; Strengthened financial capacities

WE Result Area 2: Effective, Equitable & Just Food Systems
-Women and men smallholder farmers have increased farm production,
-Food security, market access and income generation"
-Adad Malore mobilizes and supports activities for food security
-Increased efficiency in the Value Chain of production and market of agricultural & livestock
-Increased welfare through marketing of local products

WE Result Area 3: Sustainable Livelihoods
Increased financial sustainability and farm capacities
– Increased capacities and identified alternative possibilities for farm support
-Increased access to production and market information

WE Result Area 4: Climate Change and Resilience
New agricultural and environmental approach to climate change
– Joint actions with municipalities and other actors for climate change initiated
– Strengthening of the organization to manage climate change
– Capacity building for adaptation to CC

WE Result Area 5: Gender Equality
Increased role of women in decision-making, and improved women economic empowerment]
– Increased role of women in decision-making processes
– Changing concepts regarding gender equality in rural society

Geographical area of the project: The project aims to support small community development groups in three regions of Albania: Korce, Diber, and Kukes, where the interventions will be in different sectors according to the potential of the area,